What a gorgeous day in Tel-Aviv. I woke up this morning to a phone call from my mother, “Want to meet me in Neve Tsedek for breakfast?”.. YES PLEASE! She’s here for 10 days, how exciting. After a lovely breakfast and a walk on the Tayalet I headed back home, beach side. As I walked barefoot in the beautiful water (I swear the water gets prettier everyday) I watched the surfers, beach goers and little kids playing, I just had to join... a quick change and I was floating in the water with the best of them. So beautiful!!

The past few days have been nothing short of one great experience after another. Sunday I was offered an oppertunity to photograph at Save a Child's Heart (music) benefit and of course gladly accepted! It was a blast. The Venue was at an Israeli version of Tower Records that once upstairs, turns into an arsty bar called “Ozen” (Translation: Ear). It was an intimate crowd with a special guest Idan Raichel (a famous, and talented Israeli musician) amongst a few other great performances. I got to sit front stage and snap away. It was a lovely benefit, a fun photography experience, combined with beautiful music.
Idan Raichel

Yesterday MASA (The organization that sponsors long term programs in Israel) celebrated an anniversary and invited all the Oranim participants/ After a long process of security we finally entered the auditorium. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and have been fighting a cold for the past few days so I almost bailed. I am so thrilled that I didn’t, it was fabulous! Bebe Netanyahu spoke (the Prime Minister of Israel) followed by one musical act after another. There were many great performances, including an insanely talented Acapallo group, and one from a famous Israeli musician: Moshe Ben Ari. The crowd went wild, many sang along and we... well, we danced of course.
Bebe Netanyahu
Moshe BenAri
My Phalooch Lindsay and I
The week is not quite over, tonight is Layla Halavan in Tel-Aviv (White Night in Tel-Aviv). Apparently the term Layla Lavan comes from students pulling all nighters in University.
The entire city of Tel-Aviv becomes alive and the streets will be lit up all night long. Throughout the city there will be live music, performances, bands, art galleries, night markets, parties on the beach, dancing and song festivals along the tayelet (boardwalk). The night will be filled with culture, art, music, and definitely nothing but excitement (especially if we're there joining in). All I really know is Lindsay, Erika and I are starting the evening at a photographer’s gallery of 'Israeli stairways' and from then on the night is ours to conquer. I’m sure it will be quite an experience.
I think this song seems quite fit to end with.
A link From Hadag Nachash “Hine ani Bah” Here I come! Warning It’s pretty ridiculous and tacky but Enjoy!
I think this song seems quite fit to end with.
A link From Hadag Nachash “Hine ani Bah” Here I come! Warning It’s pretty ridiculous and tacky but Enjoy!
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