Tel-Aviv is made up of a stretch of a number of beaches along its coast. Each beach is unique in its own way. Some aimed for families and children others filled with beach bars and restaurants for the young and young at heart, even one designated for religious people (a beach that separates men and woman)! Today I got to enjoy Drummers Beach, probably the dirtiest of them all which obviously is still gorgeous because... well it is after all located on the Mediteranian. However, what it lacks in beauty it makes up for in character as well as breathtaking views of a Tel-Aviv. Think Venice Beach, (Los Angeles) combined with Ocean Beach (San Diego) throw in a bit more hippies, high on life and (ALOT MORE than life) individuals, artists, free spirits, hobos, drummers and the musically inclined and you will find yourself at Drummers Beach, Tel-Aviv. What a scene! Every Friday evening, right before sunset strangers and friends gather around with their favorite instrument in hand and put on quite a show. The drum circle is located above a bed of rocks and what looks like a never-ending ocean peak to the right of it. No matter who you are, everyone is welcomed to take part, whether with instrument by dancing, tanning, drinking or being one of the many spectators. My cousin Yisrael has been continuously trying to get me to go the drum circle and I finally joined him. Yisrael goes every single Friday, never misses it and plays the drums as well. He is quite talented, might I add. Something really special that added to my experience was that I was actually with my family in Modeen for the weekend (a very pretty city about 20 minutes from Tel-Aviv) spending Shavuot (yet another Jewish holiday). This side of my fam are quite religious... meaning no use of electricity.. and so forth. He pulled me away late afternoon (after a day and a half of holiday and Shabbat) and took me to the drum circle.
I felt like a tourist, when in actuality my flat was only blocks away. I spent a few hours enjoying the tunes, people watching (some pretty creepy individuals), avoiding a few crazies, and witnessed the beautiful sunset that came with it. I seriously felt as though I was on some sort of drug just being a spectator. At one point some sweet man with his young child, tapped my shoulder and said... "You're better off looking at that" (pointing to the sunset) than, well... whatever it is I was witnessing at that point.. (Not a drug deal?). Later Yisrael and I went back to my aunts and enjoyed a delicious Shabbat dinner with laughter, a loving family and... well, reality. I felt so thankful and blessed for my beautiful life!
I have the perfect video of the drummers in an insane beat to share!! buuut my computer is not letting me load it.. OHH yes, my computer crashed.. a viscous virus I'm guessing. So... POOOOF I've lost everything I've had so far on it, pictures, work, music.. many, many visual beautiful memories. KAPARA as Israelis would say, pretty much means.. "Sucks but what can you do" Upsetting, however a lesson learned.. Back up your computer before it disappears and save everything in your mind and heart.
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