Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Breath In...

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking. - Marcus Aurelius
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Life Must Go On.
Tel-Aviv Shore
I really lived each day in order to soak up its beauty, and feed my soul and mind, and with that said I have truly found what makes me happy and from there stems the greater truths that Ive picked up along the way... but life itself is a learning experience so i will just keep on living and learning. but I can say my mind and soul have been opened and I just want to keep living with my heart and staying in tune with where that leads. Living in Israel itself has been such a gift, I have been submerged in a completely different world and culture and loved it, but the time has come to go home I am definitely ready to move on to something new.

There's something about writing that makes me feel inspired, perhaps its the mere act of reflecting and writing. And so I decided.. yes, my adventure in Israel has come to end, but daily I have the chance to create new ones and with that I have hopes to find new inspiration.
Prior to leaving a friend asked me what my plans where for when I returned home, and my thoughts on this adventure, and with loss of better words to repeat, this is what I wrote:
"So the time has come to end my journey here and what a journey it has been. I can honestly say this has been the most amazing, life altering, and close to brilliant past 6months. Ive learned, lived and grown in my mind heart and spirit...everything Ive wanted.. or didn't want was worth it. Ive grown stronger from it all.
I really lived each day in order to soak up its beauty, and feed my soul and mind, and with that said I have truly found what makes me happy and from there stems the greater truths that Ive picked up along the way... but life itself is a learning experience so i will just keep on living and learning. but I can say my mind and soul have been opened and I just want to keep living with my heart and staying in tune with where that leads. Living in Israel itself has been such a gift, I have been submerged in a completely different world and culture and loved it, but the time has come to go home I am definitely ready to move on to something new.
What happens now? I have absolutely no idea, that part excites me and scares me at the same time. I have many things I would like to begin to accomplish and the world is pretty much mine to play with. I have dwindled my funds to close to nothing so a job is in order fast to get me on my feet.The only thing I have planned is to keep my spirits high and to hold on to the feelings and attitude in my heart as I approach San Diego"
With that said I decided to make this blog live on. Getting back to normal life has been both exciting and pretty frightening, last night I received a slap of reality and was knocked of the floor for a brief moment.
Here I am with a new adventure.. one more exciting than before because this is what I call the beginning of a new and real life with hopes to keep the strength and mind that my Israel experience had bestowed in my heart.
Lechaim ve Hatzlacha. To life and luck.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My Yochay

How many times can this place amaze me... god I love the weirdness and strange events that come with living in this incredible city. Lets just say this morning I found myself taking sherut number 4 to the end of Ben Yehuda to find some random hair place on the Namal- (posh boardwalk in Tel-Aviv), all because last night I had a 15 minute convo and made friends with this fabulously flamboyant man who insisted on buying me wine and throwing me in his busy schedule to do my hair. Laughing over a glass of wine I told him I was here interning, I couln't possibly afford a place on the Namal.. "Baaaby don’t worry," he says, "My darling I will charge you close to nothing”.. Him and his friend were so dam charming that well... why not!
So in less than 24 hours post meeting Yochay, I found myself sitting in his chair ready to be one with his art.
I instantly felt like I was on one of those makeover shows thinking any minute my mom would pop out of the corner and say "Surrrprise! I wanted you to be spoiled for the day".. And I WAS spoiled, with Israeli flair. He daintily combed my hair, stroking it to the music... hilarious, immediately followed by giving me an intense head massage. He than began plucking, shaping, primping and flooding me with compliments. How did I get here...? I watched him chop and throw my hair around in an Edward scissor hands fashion, slightly afraid, yet with an uncanny feeling that I was allowed to trust this new bizarre friend of mine.
I spent a few good hours at Yochay’s hidden salon.. What a fabulous encounter. I took the long way home on foot, with a huge smile, strutting my new hair and awakened soul. After a month of hats, dirty clothes, and tennis shoes it felt magnificent to be surprisingly pampered
Later that evening I took a stroll down the shook to buy some flowers, as I peacefully people watched all the chaos and last minute shopping for Shabbat. It was then when I suddenly realized I have only 2 weeks left in Tel-Aviv. Oh no! I better soak this city up for all its worth!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Living... Learning.

“Four feet on the ground, a head full of foliage, looking at the world through the heart” – Elizabeth Gilbert.
I sit on the train from Be’er Sheva to Tel-Aviv giggling; A sneaky and happy giggle. I look up and directly in front of me sits a religious man, black hat, beard, suit... the works; He is giggling too.
Its funny and so sweet the power that 3 lively little boys and one vivacious curly haired girl hold. The 4 of them are skipping through the train with huge grins, and laughter, saying “Yom tov” –“Good-day” to each passenger. Over.. and over again, in the cutest way possible. Their smiles are contagious in within a handful of seconds five strangers, myself included have joined in on an instantaneous and subtle giggle fest… just because... we can.
As I sit on the train smiling, I suddenly feel as if a heavy and well needed burst of crisp, fresh air has been blown into my lips and overcome my body with serenity. I feel… RELIEVED. Thank god! I am free to be... well... ME. Once again.
I will speak shortly of the past monthly, merely putting it in a few words. in no particular order: Adventurous, strengthening, weakening, beautiful, wearing, informative, enlightening, exhausting, demanding, creative, fun, yet lonely at times. The kids were amazing and so talented! The days were packed, long, and a lot was demanded of me. I put my best foot forward and gave it my all. I ended weary, drained, as well as hit with some stomach virus that can probably be compared to the black plague.. Fine not as harsh but combined with the last 28 days left me emotionally and physically BURNT out. Yet 20 minutes later here I sit, on this train, and, well... I’m giggling.
I was able to travel Israel and enjoy MANY stunning views, trails, caves, history, and snap some incredible photos. As with all journeys I feel like I have been left with experiences in fields I have never thought to encounter, and in a beautiful way become closer to my spirituality and no doubt have become a stronger individual because of it.
Cheers to the next two plus weeks I have left in my little apartment on the beach. Going to sleep peacefully. Time is flying!
I sit on the train from Be’er Sheva to Tel-Aviv giggling; A sneaky and happy giggle. I look up and directly in front of me sits a religious man, black hat, beard, suit... the works; He is giggling too.
Its funny and so sweet the power that 3 lively little boys and one vivacious curly haired girl hold. The 4 of them are skipping through the train with huge grins, and laughter, saying “Yom tov” –“Good-day” to each passenger. Over.. and over again, in the cutest way possible. Their smiles are contagious in within a handful of seconds five strangers, myself included have joined in on an instantaneous and subtle giggle fest… just because... we can.
As I sit on the train smiling, I suddenly feel as if a heavy and well needed burst of crisp, fresh air has been blown into my lips and overcome my body with serenity. I feel… RELIEVED. Thank god! I am free to be... well... ME. Once again.
I will speak shortly of the past monthly, merely putting it in a few words. in no particular order: Adventurous, strengthening, weakening, beautiful, wearing, informative, enlightening, exhausting, demanding, creative, fun, yet lonely at times. The kids were amazing and so talented! The days were packed, long, and a lot was demanded of me. I put my best foot forward and gave it my all. I ended weary, drained, as well as hit with some stomach virus that can probably be compared to the black plague.. Fine not as harsh but combined with the last 28 days left me emotionally and physically BURNT out. Yet 20 minutes later here I sit, on this train, and, well... I’m giggling.
I was able to travel Israel and enjoy MANY stunning views, trails, caves, history, and snap some incredible photos. As with all journeys I feel like I have been left with experiences in fields I have never thought to encounter, and in a beautiful way become closer to my spirituality and no doubt have become a stronger individual because of it.
Cheers to the next two plus weeks I have left in my little apartment on the beach. Going to sleep peacefully. Time is flying!
Layla Tov Olam Madhim. -Good Night Beautiful World
About Love. About Life.
"I Believe Everything Happens For A Reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when there right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust only yourself. And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together..." -Anonymous

Ben Yehuda, Tel-Aviv
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kfotz Li !!
Locked Up
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